Sunday 11 November 2012

Hello world!

This is essentially one of those annoying 'just so I have something on here' posts. Don't worry too much about it (even if I probably won't annihilate it), and just be thankful that I haven't decided to turn this into a rant about why Python is the best programming language (namely because the 'Hello World' program is literally "print('Hello World')" (<insert link to that xkcd here>) even though it's actually the only one I know anything of as of writing (okay, I know a really tiny bit of JavaScript, but I can actually manage really basic algorithms in this one! (which is more than some people who claim to be computer programmers so yeah (okay, I'm not so good at recursion, but...))) and others may very well be more useful (I'm not exactly the best coder in the world (html gives me issues), but still). I reason that this may also be a good introduction to my writing style, which includes a metric ton of nested parentheses because I'm one of those annoying people who feels the need to keep going off on tangents (they say to write like you speak - in my case this is probably a really bad idea, but at least I haven't slipped in my issues with 'th' sounds).

Ah well, might as well end this with a plug for coursera, which is where I learned my 1337 h4x0r ski- okay, sorry, I can't do this with a straight face. Or even an ironic coolkid smirk. Coursera owns though, even if I probably shouldn't be taking any courses on top of my A-levels (I have had to un-enroll from a few, but at least it doesn't cost anything).

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